Wednesday, January 2, 2013


Okay so a little update! I'm on cd 43 out of a usual 30-33 day cycle. We didn't keep track of anything this month and tried to relax. I realized my period was late and so I've been testing and I swear I got a Bfp on Monday. I've only had bfns since then but feeling very nauseous and very sore boobs. I had a bit of orange cm today and the only way I noticed it was because I stuck the toilet paper up there (sorry to be blunt!) There's no more though. I was excited on Monday, confused yesterday, and insane today. I called the doctor and they want me to retest on Monday and then call them. *sigh*


  1. I can see the line that you are talking about. I just don't trust those tests. I've gotten several false + from them. So has one of my friends. But it might have just been the batch that we had.

    I hope that you get some good news on Monday!

  2. I hope you get w cleared BFP on Monday. Best of luck.



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