Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Ashley's Twin Boys' Arrival!

Well, on November 11, 2012 (35w4d) we had our two beautiful and perfect little boys.  I woke up early with leaking and we went in at 8:30am.  They tested the fluid to make sure it was amniotic fluid  and it was.  I was 3 cm dilated and 100% effaced. I wasn't having active contractions, just contractions like I had been having for the past 13 weeks.  By 2:45pm I was 5cm and they broke baby A's water completely.  I kept walking around and a half hour after they broke baby A's water I started to have very active contractions.  I got in shower to get some releaf.  At 4:15pm they checked me again I was still 5cm and I asked for some thing to just take the edge of my contractions off.  So they gave me a shot of newbain.  I got into bed and asked for two heating pads and then tried to just rest.  After 1/2 hour I was 8cm and had the urge to push then 3 more contractions and I was complete!  The doctor couldn't believe it, and she thought I would be pushing for a while too since this was my first delivery.  Well they called the surgery team in because I was delivering twins vaginally they have to be there incase baby B would turn breech and need to have a c-section.  For 20 min. they told me not to push- which was harder then having the boys!  So finally I said I couldn't NOT push anymore.  The doctor checked and said Oh, well there's a head yes next contraction push.  So I pushed for 10-15 min. and baby A was out at 5:53pm!  They put him on me and I was in shock I couldn't believe he was here and I was holding him.  I started to cry and kiss him.  While I was holding baby A they used the ultrasound to check and see that baby B was still in position.  Two pushes and he was out at 6:01pm!  We got to hold both of them right a way. 

Baby A - 4lbs 11oz 17" long, we named him Ross Steven
Baby B - 3lbs 15oz 16.5" long, we named him Liam Ray

We are all doing great.  They boys actually spent the night with us the first night and then were taken up to the NICU so they could make sure they were regulating their body temp. and grow. 
Ross was released at 4 days old, but Liam had to be over 4lbs before he was released so he was released at 7 days old.  We stayed in the NICU the whole time until Liam was released because we couldn't leave one behind.  My husbands birthday was Nov. 18 the day we got to come home.  The best birhtday present he could ask for. 

Everyone is doing great and we are loving every moment with them!
I think of you all every day and I look at them knowing that all the months of NOTHING happening, all the months of failure, and all the thousands of dollars spent was COMPLETELY worth it and I would go through it all again to have them. You can do it! Don't lose HOPE and FAITH.



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