Monday, April 9 I had off and was taking it easy - my husband told me just to relax and enjoy my day off. I felt really good in the morning, I called my OB's office and told them the good news that I am pregnant. The
nurse said I should plan to come in and have a nurse appointment at 8 weeks and then my OB will see me a couple weeks after that. I was at home watching some TV at 11:30. I got up to get a banana, sat back down and within a minute I had started to have extreme RLQ pain. I thought it may just be some weird bowel
pain. So I gave it 15 minutes and then managed to get up and go to the bathroom, I thought maybe I needed to have a bowel movement or just go pee. Well I got to the bathroom and the pain was getting worse. I got really hot and light headed so I stripped down. Then I got really cold so I covered up with a towel. The pain kept getting more intense and now it was 11:55am I started to get nauseous (which it’s rare I ever have nausea or vomit) and I knew something was seriously wrong. I was worried I was going to pass out and no one would know. So I managed to crawl out to my living room and grab my cell phone. I called my mom because she only lives and works 1/2 mile from my house. I called and said "Something is wrong" and she said "I'll be right there" she was at my house within two minutes. She said I looked white as a ghost. I said the pain is getting worse and we need to go to the hospital. Thought I had ovarian torsion or appendicitis we got in the car and I called my husband, he didn't answer so I just left a message saying "you need to call me as soon as you get this." My hospital that I see my OB/GYN and my place of employment is 40-45 minutes from my house. So on the car ride I also called my RE and told them what was going on; they advised me to go in. I called my OB/GYN again telling them what was going on and to see if I could go to the office instead of the ER. They were short staffed and said I should go to the ER. So the pain let up a little bit for about 10 minutes but as soon as I checked in to the ER the pain came right back and even more intense. The nurse grabbed me after about 5-10 minutes which seemed like an eternity and asked me some questions, took my BP, pulse etc. I told her I just had IVF I'm 4w5d pregnant, she asked me what IVF was! I was like In Vetro Fertilization. So they got me into a room I changed into a gown, laid down on the bed and looked for a garbage can because I vomited! I was in so much pain. The ER doctor (Radke) came in and talked to me I gave him all the details of our IVF and told him I called my doctor's office and told him they aren't concerned with an ectopic because my labs have been so good. He agreed and said he was concerned with ovarian torsion. He ordered labs and an ultrasound and pain killers and anti-nausea meds (I asked him if they were ok during pregnancy and he said yes). So they gave me morphine and zofran, they got a foley catheter placed and an IV. I asked about 15 minutes after they gave me the morphine, how long it would take to kick in because I didn't have any relief. So they said it should have kicked in and then gave me some delotid because that's supposed to kick in faster. My husband finally called back and my mom told him we were in the ER and I had severe RLQ pain, to get there as soon and safely as he could but don't panic. Then I went for my ultrasound (I work in this department) and my fellow co-worker Alicia did my exam. I was still in so much pain; the nurse came down and gave me more delotid. I told Alicia that from my labs last week they think I'm having twins; my blood work from today hasn't come in yet. So she did the exam, she saw two small fluid filled sacs both measuring 4w5d within my endometrium. :) She saw blood flow to both of my ovaries :) So they on-call ob/gyn Dr. Bublik-Anderson came in after the ultrasound and talked with me. She said we had two options either go to surgery to see if my right ovary is torsing or admit me and observe me and hopefully things get better or if they get worse then go to surgery. She said with everything I've been through she wants to be conservative and not jeopardize the pregnancy and I agreed. She said worse case scenario she'd get in there during surgery and have to remove my right ovary. (In my head this was horrible because my right ovary has been the "producer" and the champ ovary during the last two years and this would be horrible even though I am pregnant -probably with twins- and we have 5 frozen embryos) So she left to talk with the radiologist and I started to cry, I hadn't up to this point but hearing that I could possibly lose my right ovary (which I knew was a possibility before getting to the ER) but just hearing it made it all so real. At that time my husband arrived! It was so good to see his face. We updated him with what was going on. My pain was still so strong. We got back to the ER and waited for them to prepare our room on the OB unit. About 45 min. later they took me to the OB room and I got as comfortable as I could because the pain was still so intense they gave me more delotid in the ER after the ultrasound and more when I got to the OB room! Dr. Bublik-Anderson stopped by again she said she updated RMIA (RE doctor) and I said I still had so much pain and was worried that it would affect the babies. She said it doesn't cause any birth defects there is just a risk that the babies would go through with drawal. But she said it’s not chronic use and it's most important for me to be comfortable right now. So things settled down I had some jello and crackers and mainly just wanted to rest. My mom and husband went to grab some dinner. At about 7pm the pain started to decrease just a little, I had my last pain dose at 9pm. I slept pretty well. I woke up with very minimal pain. I was so happy but scared to move an inch in case the pain would come back. My OB Dr. Kerns stopped in in the morning and checked on me. He said he planned to keep me until Wed. morning. So I pretty much napped and watched TV all day. They let me have a regular diet and took my foley catheter out by noon. By 5pm they took me off my IV too. Here and there I would have a twinge of pain but it wouldn't last long and it wasn't very intense. Wednesday morning Dr. Kerns stopped back in and said I could go home, resume normal activities but don't do anything strenuous or vigorous, no intercourse, no lifting heavy objects and I couldn't go back to work until I see him next week. So pretty much the same restrictions I've been on since the retrieval.
I'm so glad I didn't have to go to surgery, and that it didn't have anything to do with the babies.
I was happy to get home. Everyone was great at the hospital but it’s much harder to be the patient! Anyhow I was at home for a week and took it easy. I had a follow-up appointment with my OB on Monday, April 16. Things looked good and he told me I could go back to work. He knew I would be having my viability ultrasound on 4/25 (I'll be 7w0d) so he said to schedule my new OB patient appointment with the nurse for the week after that and then the next week he'll meet with me.
So I went back to work this past Tuesday. I am fortunate (and unfortunate in some ways) to be a sonographer. I wanted to peak and make sure things were progressing normally with the babies and that my ovary size was starting to come down. I saw two babies and two heartbeats! We are officially having twins :) I can't wait until Wednesday when we have our "official" ultrasound and we are release to my OB!!! We are praying every day that things continue to go well.
I'll update you again after Wednesday :) :)