We accidentally found out that I was pregnant- yep. I didn't take the test because I had any kind of hope that our final round of clomid worked before went on to IUI.
I had bought a pack of ovulation tests- the kind that includes a HPT in the package. So when I bought that pack I just took the HPT out and put it in the cabinet and forgot about it. Later in the cycle I was digging through the cabinet trying to find something-can't remember what at this point, and stumbled across the test. I took it out and placed it on the counter. That Saturday I was tired of seeing it on the counter so I decided to just take it, see that it was negative, and throw it away. So I took it and proceeded to pass out and not look at it until around 5am when I woke up again to use the restroom. OMG... there is a second line there... that's an evap. No way. Well.... maybe I should take another test just to make sure. Sunday morning when my husband and I woke up I told him that we need to go to the store and pick up some tests. That I didn't want to get my hopes up but the chepo test I took last night might have been positive- but it could just as easily be an evap line. He said it would just be faster if he went on his own and ran off to Walmart to get the tests. When he came back I went and took it. We went into the other room and waited and went back. I looked at the test and Daniel asked if it was positive or negative... I said I think I'm crazy because I see the second line! I handed him the test and he could see it too. We took the 2nd test in the box (Who WOULDN'T) it came up an even DARKER positive. We were completely in shock... I had no hope that anything would happen. when we got to see he midwife she sent us in for a dating ultrasound and we got to see our little jelly bean and hear the heartbeat. I never though I would ever be here. Its honestly been very surreal.
Here's what I was on-
150 MG Clomid CD 5-9
recommended dosage of Ovaboost (approved by my DR)
one a day women's prenatal soft gels (I read somewhere that your body will adsorb more of the nutrients because it doesn't have to break it down from a solid.)
I also went on a grain free, sugar free, low diary diet with lots of avocados and fish and coconut oil. I lost 25 LBS that month!
Well that's kinda our story so far... Hopefully it will give someone so hope. We tried everything we could think of for 5.5 years and something finally worked!