Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Shannon's Update

It's been awhile. Sorry for that. Life has been crazy and I haven't taken the opportunity to update the blog.

In April I had ovarian drilling surgery. I found out I was accepted to start nursing school this fall the day after my surgery.

In May I had a clomid cycle that worked!!! I even ovulated and believe I got pregnant but had a chemical pregnancy, where I lost it at 3-4 weeks. Hadn't gotten the + because I don't think my levels got high enough for that.

In June another failed clomid cycle. My right ovaries were trying to react this time but just couldn't get there.

July we started another cycle (today actually). I'm taking Clomid 100mg for 5 days (Tuesday-Saturday). On Wednesday and Friday I will be taking follistem shots (sp?) in replace of Bravelle and if everything works I will take Ovidrel to ovulate.

Yesterday my SIL also announced she was pregnant again.

My birthday is coming up on the 13th.

Nursing school starts on August 25th.

My summer in a nut shell. I may elaborate more in another post, I feel like I owe our readers that much. :)


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