This post isn't specific to infertility, but its semi related... My mother in law lost her biological mother today. They had a strained relationship. Her mother was orphaned as a child. She was never loved and never learned to love. She was mean and hateful to everyone she knew. (this is what I learned of her from my mil). My husband knew her very little, he met her when he was little and from what he remembers he says she was always nice to him and his little sister. Other than that he never got to know her. I understand not knowing a grandparent and wishing you knew them or had a relationship with them. My grandfather on my dads side died when I was 3 months old. I've always wished I got to know him. Especially now that I'm older I learned we had a lot in common. But this isn't about my lost relationships, this is my MIL's loss.
I know she's been looking for her mom and in April she called her to invite her to visit (she lives in Mexico). She said she had no money so my mil asked where to send money to her to come. Her mom got mad for some unknown reason and that was the last time they spoke (as far as I know). My mil had been wanting to visit her for some time now but never actually made the trip. Now it's too late and I can tell she feels bad about it. Idk how to comfort her, I can only imagine the pain she feels for the words she never said and not going when God was nudging her to go.
God nudges and sometimes pushes us to do something. Take every opportunity to talk to someone you are strained with. If they don't want to meet you halfway you can know you tried. Tell people you love them, do the things you might not be able to do tomorrow.
I can honestly say I felt God nudging me to pursue IVF. I have always been on the fence about it and wondering what God would think of it. I prayed on it, and prayed on it. For a long time too. Every time something wouldn't work I would pray "God, is it time for IVF" and the answer was almost always No. Then after our "break" I prayed after my birthday and God said "yes, but don't rush things. Do things when the doctor tells you, take all your medicine exactly like the doctor tells you, do every test and wait that the doctor tells you." God knows I'm impatient and will rush things if I have any control over it whatsoever. So I said... Ok, let's call the doctor. They wanted me to wait for my next period to call them (I was already on cd3 when I called). I could have been pushy and all "schedule me today" but I said oooookay... Then I go the next period and they said "take these birth control pills we have to run tests on you" ...oooooooooooookaaaaay... Then I almost had to have surgery (which would be 12 more waiting weeks) and I almost cried, I prayed "God, I'll be patient, I don't want surgery but ok" the doctor came back and said, 'no, no surgery!' Oh thank you Jesus
Gods timing is always perfect. It's also definitely not in sync with my clock but I guess it's time to sync up with him.
No matter what He's telling you to do, there's a reason. You never know what tomorrow will bring. Take every opportunity He gives you. It might not always be your end result, but it could just be another trial in your journey. Live.Laugh.Love until your time on earth is done.
-Mrs Red