Saturday, January 16, 2016

An update- Not a ttc update, but somewhat related

I have decided to write an update since it has been a while. Although, as of right now DH and I are somewhat taking a break from proactively ttc. I mean, I am still charting and we are not preventing, however I have decided not to further my next steps until we have more of our ducks in a row (paying off some student loans and other debt, purchasing a more reliable car, etc). Lately I have been pretty busy though. I am nearly finished with school for medical assisting. I know it's not as intense as nursing (I have SO MUCH respect for nurses, because I know they are amazing and I surely couldn't do all that they do. Major props to Shannon! You go girl!), however, I have really been enjoying it. I am now on the externship portion of my education, and although it is very busy, I have been enjoying it very much! I felt so fortunate and blessed to have the opportunity to be placed at a reproductive medicine facility. I feel so passionate about any of those in this position. Some people that I knew had questioned my reasoning in wanting to be placed there, or they told me that my emotions would be too much of a problem working in that setting because of my own situation. I thought and prayed over it for a while, and still thought of nowhere else I'd rather be. I have discovered that I truly have a passion for this. I find myself wanting to research, learn and be aware of all areas. I have even had quite the opposite feeling while being at externship, than some people have expected. The whole time I am there, I don't even think about my situation with ttc. I just care about preforming my duties, providing the best care, and aiming to help all those dealing with this situation. Let me discuss briefly about the moment, I realized I had discovered that I was correct in why I wanted to be placed there so badly. One of the five doctors that I work under has a very particular way that he wants his patients roomed. So after you room his patients, you stand outside in the hallway until you have to do the next task required (It would take a long time to explain everything, so I am just summing up). So, as he went in to do an OB scan, I was waiting in the hall. Not that I listen or eavesdrop (I aim to give everyone their privacy), but when this doctor gets excited his voice carries and there is nothing I can do to avoid hearing him. Well, I heard him tell this couple "Congratulations! It's twins! They look great!", the couple then comes out and you could tell they were crying. The whole time this is happening, tears are rolling down my face as well. Tears of complete joy. Not tears of bitterness, envy, anger, sadness or any of the such. I was overwhelmed with complete joy, complete and utter happiness. I knew at that moment, there is nothing I want to do career wise, more than to help others who are also going through infertility. I am not sure if there is an opening for hire there or not, but I am hoping and praying, that by the end of my externship that there is and that they want to keep me for hire. Although, it does raise some concerns, such as if I get hired, I am not quite sure that I can be seen there when the time comes for me to further my treatment in ttc. However, to me, it will be worth it to drive somewhere further, to help those that I am passionate about helping. I guess time will only tell what will happen from here. I truly hope you all are doing well, I'd love to her from you, and here's to LOTS OF BABY DUST to each and every one of you <3


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