Friday, April 24, 2015


So I got my protocol back for the FET. I took birth control for a month and on cd 21 I started 2 weeks of Lupron injections. Then about a week later went for blood work and a baseline sono. Then started putting on estrogen patches in a very calculated plan. Building up to 4 patches changed out every 72 hrs. Then had my transfer this week where we transferred 2 beautiful blasts. I took the day of the transfer off of work and have been working from home the rest of the week. The hardest part has been that DH has been having to take DD to daycare while he goes to work and I have to wait for him to get out to see her. Luckily we work at the same company with an onsite daycare so I know it's not a long wait for her when he gets out but he works long days. I hate that she's there for that long but I cannot lift her right now and am supposed to be laying down. All day except to pee. I took a Valium before the procedure which was prescribed by the RE and I needed it! Sure did make me a little loopy but it was ok. My transfer was about 45 mins late because my bladder wasn't filling up. After 4 bottles of water we were finally ready. I should have opted for the catheter afterwards because I was FULL! Lol but we made it through. I went home and slept. I've been very bored being at home not interacting with people and hiding this secret that I'm not at work from my parents and Facebook. Lol. My beta day is May 4 which happens to be the day of retrieval 3 years ago which resulted in my DD. I'm hoping that we get lucky again and we have a sticky baby again.


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